Current weather information

Neue Wetter API

Weather is a free service which fetches the current weather data from Yahoo! and returns them as TEXT or XML. This weather information can be according to their own ideas in an HTML page or via script in Conky to display on the desktop. The page have to be called with the Key to the City as the ID. Calling the following URL displays the current weather information and tomorrow's forecast of Berlin.

In addition, the parameter unit can be specified with the values ​​of c for Celsius and f for Fahrenheit. For performance reason, the results are cached for 10 minutes, before a live query performed again on Yahoo!.

The following overview shows all the keys and the associated description. Instead of the description, the respective values are displayed​​.

latitude = Latitude
longitude = Longitude
city = City
region = Region
country = Country
humidity = Humidity
visibility = Visibility
pressure = Atmospheric pressure
rising = Atmospheric pressure rising
sunrise = Sunrise
sunset = Sunset
current_date = Current Date
current_temp = Current temperature
current_temp_low = min. Temperature of Today
current_temp_high = max. Temperature of Today
current_code = Current image code
current_text = Current Description
current_image = Current picture
speed = Wind speed
direction = Wind direction
chill = icy/cold wind
tomorrow_date = Date of tomorrow (DD Nov YYYY)
tomorrow_day = Day of tomorrow (Thu)
tomorrow_temp_low = min. Temperature of Tomorrow
tomorrow_temp_high = max. Temperature of Tomorrow
tomorrow_text = Weather Description of Tomorrow
tomorrow_code = Pictures Code of Tomorrow
tomorrow_image = Image of Tomorrow

The output of the weather information is displayed as text/plain in UTF-8 charset. The weather information will be retrieved from (XML) and converted to TEXT format. The parameter mode=xml display the output as application/xml in UTF-8. The parameter mode=json display the output as application/xml in UTF-8. The appropriate Yahoo! Weather code for your city (if it exists), you can determine on weather code.